Sunday, December 28, 2008

a sort of essay on a sort of return to simplicity written in a fragmented format

the complexity is dwindling
to something less
... than intricate
dwindled down to one word
"아니 "
that leave a smile

but thats two more words than before

even a
of being called a
can somehow bring delight

like for a moment foreign is just a bit less foreign

and when she says
on the phone
and i give the wrong response
of formality
im no longer 33
or 34
or 35
depending on the calendar
im back to 5
lying on the carpet of my parents bedroom
asking my mother
"well what if...
what if one day..."

suddenly shopping for clothes has taken on new meaning
just walking in a certain way
brings an odd kind of

are the oddest mix
native born foreigners
having to claw our way to figure out
mother tongue

if statistics are to be proven right
im close to half way through it all
and yet somehow
these days

im back to my beginning

and the salvation that the preachers preached

ah now

finally now i know

what it was that they were
ranting on about

sinner turned saint turned sinner

re-turned to being


just being in a car
thats not driven by a taxi driver
diving down the hectic streets
even that

even that

feels good

and i dont know if i just wrote the wrong word in hangul
but the attempt
was honest

so much has taken place
in so short a span of time

so much living

in a just a matter of weeks

and there is no way to return time to its infant stages
some things
are just gone

but now i know
that theres a whole lifetime
be had

and so today's comfort with a couple words
and the other day's joy of being in a car
and tonight's times of gesturing out yay or nays

eventually will turn to

but for now
for now

i am happy

this return to complicated

just like how this beer

it tastes

so good


Anonymous said...

here's to you big sis.

Susan said...

wow. wow.