Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas in seoul

tis a (relatively) well known fact that i am not a fan of christmas... not a fan of all the "things" of materialism and religiosity : "buy me this buy me that and let's remember 'the reason for the season' "

so i quite quite quite enjoyed xmas eve and xmas day here... as the only point of these two days is to meet up with friends and either go out to eat or eat at someone's house... fortunately i was able to do both :-)

my seeming lack of blogging as of late is due to having a rather constipated mind and heart... which is good... but is resulting in a lot of churning over of words and thoughts inside myself... to be spewed forth at a later date

... anyhow

life is good

and basically as my fb status says at the moment:

"there are two ways to look at the world: as if everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle." albert einstein

(i believe the first... )

... i thought a lot about xmas in lithuania last night... and found myself missing sirvintos and the salatos.. and led zeppelin at odd hours...

ahh its the simplicity and quiet that i like the most about christmas... and have always done my best to seek it ... and thusfar have been quite lucky in finding it - be it in lithuania, austria, the chappelles of so cal, korea or where-ever else...

24 dec 08

at sangsu station on the way to an (overpriced) dinner in itaewon with sora and anja and others...

25 dec 08

at kim yoo min and chan-hwa's

turkey, mashed potatoes, and of course the necessary all important pickles and radish kimchi

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