Wednesday, January 9, 2008


1.46 in the morning...
dawn of wednesday in the midwest
early evening in seoul
we left today i mean yesterday i mean two days ago
i mean
im really not sure

... and landing
this time
didnt feel like
it always has
"coming home"

this time it was
"back to the place i live"

... this time we left home of our own accord
our decision
and our

im drinking soju and milkas
cuz i dont know what else to do

they say
"cant wait till youre back"
and then they dont appear

and some wasted won

... i watched the neighbor's light go out

the candles have bent
i can only assume the heating in here
was working
"too well"

maybe i'll
watch a movie
i think id like to cry

for something

or maybe just exhaustion

and too many hours spent flying over ocean
and worlds

... maybe i will eat something
maybe i should go to bed...

there's no one to smoke the last smoke before bed with

all the faces are so white
and bloated

... well fed
on super sized fast food freedoms

... im exhausted

is not

... the quiet is almost haunting

no one out on the streets

just a few cars with headlights
and convenience stores
bars close down in 8 minutes

is where i live

... seoul...

its where im from

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